Survival isn't who you are.
It's who you become.
Personal Text
Nov 12, 2022 18:59:08 GMT
Tag me @admin
Post by The Ark on Mar 30, 2016 20:37:35 GMT
Survival isn't who you are.
It's who you become.
Personal Text
Nov 12, 2022 18:59:08 GMT
Tag me @admin
Post by The Ark on Mar 29, 2016 19:23:00 GMT
Survival isn't who you are.
It's who you become.
Personal Text
Nov 12, 2022 18:59:08 GMT
Tag me @admin
Post by The Ark on Mar 28, 2016 4:41:57 GMT
Survival isn't who you are.
It's who you become.
Personal Text
Nov 12, 2022 18:59:08 GMT
Tag me @admin
Mar 21, 2016 10:39:24 GMT
via mobile
Post by The Ark on Mar 21, 2016 10:39:24 GMT
Survival isn't who you are.
It's who you become.
Personal Text
Nov 12, 2022 18:59:08 GMT
Tag me @admin
Post by The Ark on Mar 19, 2016 15:53:10 GMT
ADDING A SIGNATURE Step 1: Go to your profile
Step 2: Click "Edit Profile"
Step 3: Click "Personal"
Step 4: Scroll down to where it says "Signature" and there will be a box under the word.
Here is where you put in what you want for your signature. It is typically a banner of the character you are role playing. It must be no larger than 600 pixels by 300 pixels.
It also must be hosted on an online photo host (i.e. photobucket, imgshack, tinypic, etc)
When you have your link, paste it into this code:
And paste that code into your signature. You can center it, align it to the left, right etc. Your signature can also consist of words (i.e. character quotes, phrases fitting for your character, etc)
Step 5: Click "Save Personal Settings"
And Voila! You now have your signature in your profile!
Survival isn't who you are.
It's who you become.
Personal Text
Nov 12, 2022 18:59:08 GMT
Tag me @admin
Post by The Ark on Mar 19, 2016 15:34:27 GMT
DRAFTS Have you ever accidentally closed your window while in the middle of a post? Or has your computer ever randomly shut down while you were typing a post up? Well, fear not! Spare yourself the frustration and pain of losing a post with this wonderful proboards feature called DRAFTS! This tutorial will explain how to enable your drafts to minimize losing any posts in the future!
Step 1: Go to your profile
Step 2: Click "Edit Profile"
Step 3: Click "Settings"
Scroll down, until you see this:
By default it will be set to 'No'. Click the box that says 'Yes', so it should now look like this:
Step 4: Scroll down and make sure you click "Save Account Settings"
And voila! You have enabled your drafts! Now if you lose a post or PM midway, when you return to the site or thread and click "Reply" and window should appear and you simply click the button to retrieve your post! Keep in mind, that you have to do this for each of your accounts on the forum if you have multiple accounts!
Survival isn't who you are.
It's who you become.
Personal Text
Nov 12, 2022 18:59:08 GMT
Tag me @admin
Post by The Ark on Mar 19, 2016 15:15:11 GMT
BOOKMARKING THREADS Bookmarking is a great way to keep track of your threads! If you have lots of different role play threads in different locations, it can sometimes be easy to overlook one, or sometimes tricky checking each and every one. If you bookmark them, you can see a list of them with one simple click! Here's a how to guide in bookmarking your threads and accessing them!
Step 1: Go to the thread you want to bookmark. At the top, click where it says "Actions" and a drop down menu will appear. Then click "Bookmark". It will look like this:
Step 2: When you have bookmarked your thread, refresh your page and a new option/button will appear at the top (right under the forum header) between "Profile" and "Messages". It will say "Bookmarks". When you click that, you will be able to see the list of threads that you have bookmarked. Whenever someone has replied to one of your threads, a notification bubble will pop up to inform you of an updated thread that you have bookmarked.
And Voila! You now can keep track of all your threads!
Survival isn't who you are.
It's who you become.
Personal Text
Nov 12, 2022 18:59:08 GMT
Tag me @admin
Post by The Ark on Mar 17, 2016 14:47:53 GMT
Survival isn't who you are.
It's who you become.
Personal Text
Nov 12, 2022 18:59:08 GMT
Tag me @admin
Post by The Ark on Mar 17, 2016 14:34:58 GMT
Survival isn't who you are.
It's who you become.
Personal Text
Nov 12, 2022 18:59:08 GMT
Tag me @admin
Post by The Ark on Mar 16, 2016 17:08:35 GMT
CHARACTER COLOR CODES Below is a list of all the colors that current members on the site have selected for their characters. This allows each profile to stand out a little and add a splash of color and originality! When selecting your color, please ensure it is different from the currently existing ones to help maintain this uniqueness.
Character----------------------------------- | Color---------- | Abra | 3b5454 | Aden | 4e9258 | Agovell | 696969 | Alekay | 4b3d29 | Artigas | 0051ab | Baron Tseng | ec63c0 | Bellamy Blake | 236b8e | Cage Wallace | c76001 | Cert | 000040 | Clarke Griffin | ffd376 | Costia | 11ba79 | Dalton Evert | 004000 | Echo | 98afc7 | Elliott Honey | ffff80 | Etera | 1ab47d | Finn Collins | cd3333 | Gabriel Santiago | f6a04d | Gena Martin | d8491c | Harper McIntyre | e7ad16 | Indra | 6c0107 | John Murphy | 337e60 | Josephine Lightbourne | b22222 | Leiana Lacroix | 528b8b | Lincoln | 699864 | Luna | 79acc5 | Madi | a2627a | Malia | 240538 | Marcus Kane | 696969 | Maya Vie | 9f5f9f | Mel Adeney | 66cfa0 | Mikah | 450303 | Monty Green | 25d76d | Naoya | 505f59 | Nathan Miller | 4060b3 | Nia | 689498 | Octavia Blake | a6bec4 | Omera | c4aead | Paxton McCreary | 5b6370 | Roan | b4534b | Roma Bragg | 9451a8 | Skylar | 650d02 | Storm | 404000 | Tripion Shudamin | 9a8778 |
Survival isn't who you are.
It's who you become.
Personal Text
Nov 12, 2022 18:59:08 GMT
Tag me @admin
Post by The Ark on Mar 16, 2016 16:06:01 GMT
Survival isn't who you are.
It's who you become.
Personal Text
Nov 12, 2022 18:59:08 GMT
Tag me @admin
Mar 16, 2016 15:58:17 GMT
Post by The Ark on Mar 16, 2016 15:58:17 GMT
Survival isn't who you are.
It's who you become.
Personal Text
Nov 12, 2022 18:59:08 GMT
Tag me @admin
Mar 10, 2016 19:47:02 GMT
Post by The Ark on Mar 10, 2016 19:47:02 GMT
Survival isn't who you are.
It's who you become.
Personal Text
Nov 12, 2022 18:59:08 GMT
Tag me @admin
Mar 10, 2016 14:46:16 GMT
Post by The Ark on Mar 10, 2016 14:46:16 GMT
Survival isn't who you are.
It's who you become.
Personal Text
Nov 12, 2022 18:59:08 GMT
Tag me @admin
Mar 8, 2016 16:30:08 GMT
Post by The Ark on Mar 8, 2016 16:30:08 GMT